Talk to the Expert – Session 2
Contract Management
During the second ‘Talk to the Expert’ session we heard from callers from Germany, Singapore, and the United Kingdom and talked about some interesting topics. For this write up, we will look at one of them: Contract Management.
‘Talk to the Expert’ are free, one-to-one, 10 minute long consulting conversations. Callers can share their ‘pain’ and discuss housekeeping challenges with a housekeeping expert. The aim of the call is to provide guidance on how make a first step towards solving the problem.
In’s true spirit of sharing knowledge, a summary of some of the discussed challenges is provided in a short write up following the session.
Contract Management
One of the callers presented her challenge regarding contract management: Her housekeeping operation utilises many external experts to deliver housekeeping services, hence as the Executive Housekeeper she finds herself dealing with multiple suppliers and contractors on a daily basis. During the discussion it became apparent, that some services were delivered without a written contract in place, for others the scope of work changed over time and the written service level agreement is out of date. As an initial step, it was discussed to map all external services and audit the contracts and service level agreements. Following this, a review of the operational requirements will be completed and compared to the contractual arrangements in place. The Executive Housekeeper will introduce new written contracts and service level agreements; the possibility to initiate a tender process for the required services was discussed.
All callers presented a unique set of challenges and demonstrated a real desire to tackle them. All wanted to look at long term solutions that will enable their operations to develop and improve over time. Usually, there is not a quick fix and it is important to understand the whole situation and its underlying issues – there is no benefit of fixing the symptoms only. The participants of the ‘Talk to the Expert’ session, left the calls with some suggestions on how to move forward and if they require additional support, they know where to find a housekeeping expert.
Are you experiencing similar challenges and want to discuss your options? Please get in touch for a no-obligation discussion and email today.
Next ‘Talk to the Expert’ Session: Monday, 16. September, 2019, from 10am BST